“Separating” Race/Gender/Disability in Willow Weep for Me

Written by Madison Bigelow, with support from the DAC Team For my third annotation, I chose to borrow the race/gender/disability triangle that we worked with when reading Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom and apply it to Nana-Ama Danquah’s Willow Weep for Me. While I believe that it could have been reasonably assumed that withoutContinue reading ““Separating” Race/Gender/Disability in Willow Weep for Me”

Two Shades of Yellow

Written by Sha Jameson for “Feminist Disability Studies” I live with two shades of yellowShade One came firstShade One was youngerShade One was more gullibleShade One was about 3 feetShade One stood outShade One was surrounded by other shades of yellowShade One gets mistaken for being 4 years old as an 8-year-oldShade One gets toldContinue reading “Two Shades of Yellow”

Student Accommodation Plan

Written by D.P. for “Feminist Disability Studies” When I was in middle school, I went through a period of chronic anxiety and physical disability. Around that time, my parents worked with a counselor and the administration at my school to draft a 504 plan as an accommodation. This poem is a blackout piece using theContinue reading “Student Accommodation Plan”

The Decade Since Diagnosis

Written by Emma Chamberlin for “Feminist Disability Studies” It’s been almost ten years since the diagnosis.  The welcoming party of a recent companion.  A decade of immense pain, physical and emotional discomfort, and a slew of doctor’s visits. — I was on the school bus one afternoon, traveling to my favorite place in the world—myContinue reading “The Decade Since Diagnosis”

A Poem About Crows

Written by Hannah Dang, with support from the DAC team People fear murdersAnd not only the kind who kill Long ago,We were worshipedInside temples of gold,Besides gods and legends Now,We are whisperedTo be liars and thievesAs omens of plagues and deathMistakenFor black birds and ravens Locking their windows,Spy and see,A mob, spits and stones thrownAtContinue reading “A Poem About Crows”

18 Models of Disability

Presentation by Kelly Coons, with support from the DAC team Creator’s Statement: This video, created for an annotation assignment in ENGL / WGSS 6750 – Doing Disability Studies in the Humanities, aims to distill 18 models of disability through the lens of a question and answers segment.  There is a dash of parody targeted atContinue reading “18 Models of Disability”