Exploring Disability Studies in Turkey

Written by Elisa Shaholli, Mina Keleş, Sude Kılınç, Hayel Yelek, and Duru Urer  Elisa: Instructor’s Introduction For the past six months, I’ve been living in Izmir, Türkiye as part of the U.S. Department of State’s Fulbright Program. For Fulbright, I’m completing the English Teaching Assistantship (more commonly known as the Fulbright ETA) where I’ve been placed atContinue reading “Exploring Disability Studies in Turkey”

Michael Orsini: Towards a Politics of Embodied Expertise (Social Movements, Knowledge, and Felt Politics)

Written by Hannah Dang with support from the DAC Team “Towards a Politics of Embodied Expertise Social Movements, Knowledge, and Felt Politics” Presented by Professor Michael Orsini, University of Ottawa Wednesday, March 20, 2024 4:00–5:30 P.M. UConn Storrs Campus, Susan V. Herbst Hall, Room 408  The University of Connecticut’s Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies DepartmentContinue reading “Michael Orsini: Towards a Politics of Embodied Expertise (Social Movements, Knowledge, and Felt Politics)”

DAC’s Statement on Linguistic Justice

Written by the DAC Blog Team We recognize that the field of Disability Studies has historically undervalued and underrepresented BIPOC and Multilingual perspectives, and that Disability Justice, Anti-racism, and Linguistic Justice are deeply interrelated. We recognize that all languages are complex, systematic modes of communication whether they are expressed through sign, touch, writing, or variationsContinue reading “DAC’s Statement on Linguistic Justice”

It’s Time to Recognize Eating Disorders as Disabilities

Written by A.C. for “Feminist Disability Studies” Eating disorders impact approximately 10-15% of the U.S. population, roughly 28.8 million Americans. Despite their prevalence, there is a noticeable absence of disability literature addressing eating disorders, highlighting a broader issue rooted in societal stigma and misinformation surrounding both these disorders and invisible disabilities. This scarcity contributes toContinue reading “It’s Time to Recognize Eating Disorders as Disabilities”

Vapo-Rub Can’t Cure Everything: Perceptions of Disability in the Mexican-American Community

Written by D.L.H. for “Feminist Disability Studies” I am speaking from my own experiences with disability, specifically in the context of being an Mexican American. I learned far more about disability in Professor Laura Mauldin’s Feminist Disability Studies course than I ever had growing up, even with having individuals who are disabled within my family.Continue reading “Vapo-Rub Can’t Cure Everything: Perceptions of Disability in the Mexican-American Community”

Black Women with Disabilities 

Written by Iris Elena Jordan for “Feminist Disability Studies” My name is Iris Elena Jordan. I am a Black student at the University of Connecticut who’s had the displeasure of experiencing racism on my campus. I am also a student who happens to have a disability. This fall, I took a Feminist Disability Studies classContinue reading “Black Women with Disabilities “

18 Models of Disability

Presentation by Kelly Coons, with support from the DAC team Creator’s Statement: This video, created for an annotation assignment in ENGL / WGSS 6750 – Doing Disability Studies in the Humanities, aims to distill 18 models of disability through the lens of a question and answers segment.  There is a dash of parody targeted atContinue reading “18 Models of Disability”

“The Mansfielder” and the Publicity Machine

Written by Ally LeMaster, with support from the DAC team When I arrived on my second day of our archival visits at the Connecticut State Library, I felt like an archaeologist who exhumed only a few miscellaneous bones of an entire body. I spent my time in between archival visits scouring old Hartford Courant articles, watching videosContinue reading ““The Mansfielder” and the Publicity Machine”

Why DAC?: A Personal Reflection

Written by Alyssa Carbutti, with support from the DAC team Recently I was asked by the members of my DAC team to participate in a group conversation about what DAC means to each of us. I gave a short answer, but I realize now that I really wrote about what I hope for DAC toContinue reading “Why DAC?: A Personal Reflection”

Audism and Autism: An Investigation of the Similarities and Differences between Deaf and Autistic Individuals Along the Axes of Education, Language Acquisition, and Socialization

Presentation by Mary-Katherine Cormier, a UConn Student, with support from the DAC team A Note Sheet to Accompany the PowerPoint Introduction Education Language Acquisition Socialization  WORKS CITED Jean T. Slobodzian (2011) A cross‐cultural study: deaf students in a public mainstream school setting, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 15:6, 649-666, DOI: 10.1080/13603110903289982 Da Silva, B. M. S., Rieffe, C., Frijns, J. H. M.,Continue reading “Audism and Autism: An Investigation of the Similarities and Differences between Deaf and Autistic Individuals Along the Axes of Education, Language Acquisition, and Socialization”